<% temp = "select * from retsproperty where type = 'Single Family - Detached' and city='Avon' and subdvn='Atl Estates' and StatusCat= 'active'" ShowAllRetsListings temp="select * from retsproperty where class = 'LOTS/LAND' and city='Avon' and subdvn='Atl Estates' and StatusCat= 'active'" ShowAllRetsLandListings %>
Atlantic Estates Homes For Sale
Atlantic Estates Homes Sold Recently
The properties below are NOT For Sale. These properties SOLD recently.
<% temp = "select * from retsproperty where type = 'Single Family - Detached' and city='Avon' and subdvn='Atl Estates' and StatusCat= 'sold'" ShowRetsSoldListings temp="select * from retsproperty where class = 'LOTS/LAND' and city='Avon' and subdvn='Atl Estates' and StatusCat= 'sold'" ShowRetsSoldLandListings %>